Understandably many of us are anxious about corona virus, so here is some guidance on ways to strengthen our immunity against viruses in general.
Beyond regular hand washing, “sneeze and cough hygiene”, getting enough rest and trying to limit stress, targeted nutritional support can boost our ability to stave off or limit the severity of viral infections.
- First and foremost sharpen up your food intake: a wholefood diet avoiding sugar, processed or refined foods and packed full of nutrient dense vegetables and fruit with good levels of fibre, protein and beneficial fats – sugar (including sugary drinks and alcohol) can dampen our immune response
- Increase key immune boosting nutrients with anti-viral properties like zinc, vitaminsC, D and A (supports mucosal health which is our first line of defence), beta-glucans* and elderberry
- Many of us are likely to be low in vitamin D stores at this time of year so consider a well absorbed vitamin D3 supplement (starting adult dose around 2,000IU but optimise your dose if you can with a vitamin D test). Vitamin D has been shown in numerous studies to be critical for our immune response and to have anti-viral properties. Food sources: fish, egg, cheese.
- Take a high dose vitamin C supplement as it may be [protective against certain strains of corona: use a powdered or liposomal form if you can and ideally spread throughout the day. Aim for 2,000-3,000mg per day. Good food sources include peppers, kiwi, citrus fruit, berries, broccoli, spinach
- Ensure optimal zinc status (crucial for development of immune cells and interferes with life cycle of viruses). Zinc stores can be rapidly depleted at times of stress. Consider a supplement (20mg/day) and increase zinc foods like fish, nuts and seeds (particularly pumpkin seeds).
- Support gut health; the seat of our immunity, by increasing:
Prebiotics: fuel for our beneficial gut bacteria: FIBRE as well as onion, garlic, leeks, artichokes and vegetables generally.
Probiotics: the beneficial bacteria: in kefir, live plain yoghurt, and fermented vegetables. In addition, consider a multiple strain probiotic supplement– and take every day for a month at least.
- Don’t underestimate the power of sleep as our time to restore and repair. We are more likely to succumb to illness if sleep deprived and lack of sleep can affect how fast we recover if we do get sick. So use the weekend to catch up on sleep, remember your sleep hygiene and remember the hours of sleep we get before midnight are the most beneficial! Aim for 7/8 hours per night.
- If you do become ill, as at least some of us will, continue to take the supplements (boost your dose of vitamin C) and above all…don’t be a hero – take your rest very seriously!!
*soluble fibre ( in oats/some mushrooms) with immune boosting properties- often in immune boosting supplements